UsRides Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions of usage govern the rules to which the use of the US Rides App is subjected to, which can be downloaded from the US Rideshare Technologie domain.

The download or use of the application attributes the condition of User to whoever does it, and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this document, in the Privacy Policy and the Legal Notice of said web page. The user should read these conditions each time they use the app, as those may be modified in the future.

Only users expressly notified by US Rideshare Technologie may access the download and use of the application. Users who do not have the authorization will not be able to access such content.


You are responsible for paying all costs or expenses incurred as a result of downloading and using the US Rideshare Technologie Application, including any carrier or roaming network charges. Check with your service provider for details.

Anonymous Statistics:

US Rideshare Technologie reserves the right to track your activity on the platform and report this to our third party statistical provider, all this, anonymously.

Protecting your personal information:

We want to help you take all the necessary steps to protect your private information. Please refer to the US Rideshare Technologie Privacy Policy and App Privacy Notices to learn what information we collect and the measures we take to protect said personal information.

It is forbidden to alter any part of the application or the contents of the same ( or to try to evade, deactivate or manipulate in any other way), the security features, or other functions of the program and use said application or its contents for any commercial or advertising purpose.

It is also forbidden to make any other use that alters, damages or disables the network, servers, equipment, products, and softwares of US Rideshare Technologie or third parties. The application and its contents (texts, photographs, graphics, images, technology, source code, etc) as well as the brands and other distinctive signs are the property of US Rideshare Technologie and third parties, the user does not acquire any rights over them by the mere use of the application.

The user must refrain from reproducing, copying, distributing, making available to third parties, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the application or its contents, except in cases contemplated by law, or expressly authorized by US Rideshare Technologie or by the owner of said rights. Reproducing or copying the application or its contents for private use, as well as communicating them publicly or making them available to''',